Self storage Article
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Are you living in Perth or Fremantle, and need more office space? Consider business storage…
As property prices soared, more businesses use affordable Self Storage instead of paying rent for expensive larger premises. Technology is making a relative paperless office a possibility. But offices are not totally relying on electronic devices to keep records safe. As a result, paper accumulates. Or equipment falls in disuse. Whatever it is that crowds your office can be stored safely at your nearest Self Storage facility.
Space is available in convenient sizes. There is no need to rent larger than what you would need. Our staff at KeepSafe Storage Balcatta, or KeepSafe Storage O’Connor, will gladly assist in establishing the required business storage volume. The stored items can be retrieved at any time. You alone will have access, using your own locks. Feel free to visit the company’s website in order to assure yourself that security is to your satisfaction.
Safety measures for storing paper:
Paper consist of both organic material (wood pulp) and chemicals. Therefore, paper may undergo certain changes when stored for long periods of time. Light will cause browning; sunlight will make paper brittle; so will heat; damp can cause paper to stick together or mould could grow on it, forming little dark spots and certain plastics (PVC) change with age, may become sticky and adhere to the paper when used as folders or packing material. Safeguard paper against fish moths with a suitable spray or some mothballs. Old cardboard boxes may house vermin.
Taking the dangers above into account, and storing accordingly, paper can last for decades. Self Storage is the ideal solution as it is free from damp, free from vermin, temperature controlled and safe. Stored goods can be accessed at any time.
Pack items in such a way that everything can be reached with ease. Keep an inventory at the office as well as in the unit to avoid any unnecessary searches and the anxiety that it may cause.
Many a satisfied customer is more than pleased with discovering the benefits of Business Storage.
If your business is expanding or remodelling, then you should consider KeepSafe Storage Balcatta or KeepSafe Storage O’Connor as the perfect solution to your growing needs. Store stock, furniture or expo equipment, and keep your office spaces available for… Say, office space.
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