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Small Business Tips: Taking advantage of Self Storage spaces

Published On: 18 July, 2015|2.4 min read|

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With online shopping growing by more than 20% per year and a 25% increase in the amount of parcels being sent Australia wide, the average small business is beginning to become swamped in stock.

The growth of parcels in small packages being sent through the mail has necessitated some small businesses to consider how they operate in the use of a self storage space is the ideal answer

One of the best advantages of self storage spaces are the low overheads are associated with the space that is used. As businesses vary their activity they can also vary the size of the space they need only paying for the space that they actually use which is contrary to the traditional lease method which provides for a defined period and a defined space.

With the ups and downs of the Internet business some small businesses that use self storage spaces find themselves needing extra space fairly regularly and self storage flexibility provides the ability to be able to deal with the ups and downs associated with doing business on the Internet especially eBay.

A number of small businesses have eBay shops and they use self storage spaces to distribute the online purchases to their customers.

The added convenience of our box shop means that online Internet retailers that use one of our self storage spaces at KeepSafe Storages means that they can package up materials that have been sold on the Internet, purchase our tape and cartons and get the goods out the door quickly fast turnaround.

Self storage facilities like ours provide a flexible range of self storage spaces which can really enhance the operation of a small business particularly those that use a distribution model where we can receive stock on their behalf so they can be running their business during the day. Strategically located, KeepSafe Storages reduces the costs of small businesses by having this flexible arrangement so that small businesses do not have to enter into long-term costly agreements for storage space.

Many manufacturers offer retailers and small businesses incentives to purchase high levels of stock particularly at the end of the financial year. Many small businesses are not in a position to take advantage of the special because they physically don’t have the place to store the stock. A self storage space can solve this problem – we can store that excess stock giving the small business operator the opportunity to take advantage of much better pricing and even when you include the cost of the self storage space the cost price of the goods are still cheaper.

With the need for small business to keep records for seven years a self storage space makes an ideal choice to store company records. We have a range of archive cartons to suit and a units are clean and dry providing the maximum preservation time for your documents.

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