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Fun Art Projects while Stuck at Home
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Being stuck at home can be boring for everyone in your family. When you are at home and have little to do, it’s a perfect time for you to complete some crafts and art activities that are fun and can be completed with common items you likely already have. Completing arts and crafts projects can help you and your children to remain engaged, and they can help to keep boredom at bay. KeepSafe Storage Wangara provides a convenient place to store all of the arts and craft supplies that you need. Here are a few arts and crafts activities that KeepSafe Storage Wangara thinks your family will love.
Fun with Yarn
Yarn crafts don’t have to be limited to crocheting baby blankets. There are many creative ways that you can use yarn for fun arts and crafts projects. If you have some rope, scrap yarn in several colors, an embroidery needle, and some scissors, you and your family can have a fun time creating colorful yarn-wrapped rope bowls. Tie one color of yarn around the end of the rope and wrap it around it tightly. Alternate colors while you tightly roll the rope together to form a colorful swirl, bring the swirls wider as you work to form a bowl. Finish it by using the embroidery needle to sew off the end of the bowl so that it won’t unravel.
Create a Beautiful Wreath
Wreaths are not just for Christmas. You can create a beautiful and inviting wreath at any time of the year to add eye appeal to your door. While you are stuck at home with your family, KeepSafe Storage Wangara thinks that wreath-making is a great way to spend your time. You can make a wreath with some dried, bundled grapevine, wood scraps, plastic or real flowers, leaves, and anything else that appeals to your imagination. Let your kids decide what to attach to your wreath. When you are finished creating it, your wreath can serve as a proud display of the effort you and your family put into it.
Create your Own Jellyfish
A project that kids love is creating jellyfish out of paper plates, acrylic paints, and white yarn. If you have glow-in-the-dark acrylic paints, the effect will allow your kids to see the bioluminescence of their creations. Let your kids paint the heavy paper plates with the paint. Help them to attach the white yarn to the undersides of the plates, and let them paint the individual strings any color that they want. Once the jellyfish are finished, attach them to the ceiling using clear fishing line. If your kids used glow-in-the-dark paint, they will be able to see their jellyfish light up in the dark just like real jellyfish do in the ocean.
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